Thursday, April 18, 2013

CocosBuilder Revolution

A couple of months ago now I threw away all my code and started again.

Was that a bad thing?  Well, it was bad in the sense that I wish I had known back before I started writing all that code that there was a better way to do it, a way that was going to be so much more productive that even throwing away months of work was going to be sort of OK.

So what is that better way?  Using CocosBuilder.

Cocos2D is a powerful API for building your games on iOS, but it is just code, and when I started out on my game I quickly found it impossible to organise all the resources I needed and to size and position all the elements on the game screen.  As I mention in the video I had seen CocosBuilder last year but it seemed flakey and not up to doing enough of what I needed.

But the new 3.0 version is much improved and there are a number of tricks with CocosBuilder that allow you to do a lot more with it than appears at first blush.  It turns out to be well-suited to creating an adventure game like mine, if you can figure out how to game it to your ends.

To try to help anyone who is contemplating going down the path I went down, or anyone who needs a powerful game interface creation tool but is too afraid to ask, here is a video tutorial I put together looking at how to get started with CocosBuilder for iOS.  The tutorial also includes a bit of my thinking around the game editor journey for me.

The tutorial comes in 4 parts, each of around 10 minutes (due to YouTube constraints) and I have tried to make the divisions not too arbitrary.  I'd encourage watching the whole thing, but if you just want to dip into the bits you need I hope the text below will help choose the right parts to watch.

As well as watching my tutorial please also check out two other great tutorials (not videos but very good nonetheless) which I used myself during my CocosBuilder learning process:

Here are download links to the software I used:

Part 1 - Installation and Setup of a Tutorial project for Cocos2D-iOS & CocosBuilder

Part 2 - CocosBuilder resources and first Run of content

Part 3 - Creating a HUD layer CCB

Part 4 - Animating the HUD & making the buttons work

Things I had to leave out

The tutorial was already up to 40 minutes so I had to leave some things out.  Maybe I need to learn how to talk faster.  :-)

Using the UI elements: I imported some UI elements in a plist file in part 1, but never got time to use them.  But if you experiment you should have no trouble in seeing how to use these.  It's pretty much a case of drag and drop.  In some cases you need to use the "Sprite frame" selector in the properties panel on the right-hand-side of CocosBuilder.

Making a layer use the targeted touch handler: I recorded some footage on this, but had to remove it to get the tut down to a reasonable size.  The trick here is that most tutorials and references tell you to implement registerWithTouchHandler in your CCLayer subclass in order to get the kCCTouchesOneAtATime behaviour.

With that behaviour you can use

- (BOOL)ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    CCLOG(@"%@::%@ - %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), touch);
    CGPoint location = [touch locationInView: [touch view]];
    location = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:location];
    BOOL isHandled = NO;
    if (CGRectContainsPoint([self boundingBox], location))
        isHandled = YES;
        // do stuff
    return isHandled;

Now it turns out that you can get that by setting the following in CocosBuilder for your CCLayer subclass:

...and since these are set in didLoadFromCCB before the onEnter handler sets up the registration, this will cause the CCLayer's implementation of registerWithTouchHandler to set up your instance for one-at-a-time touches.  Now you can implement your touch handler (as above) and off you go.

Thanks for watching videos - I hope they're useful.  Please - if you spot any mistakes let me know so I can address them.

Happy Cocos building!

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